
Product Design

Product Designing is identifying problems and crafting creative and effective solutions for the same. The art of aligning the needs in sync with the business goals to create a product that can sustain for the long run is rather tricky.

In today’s world where all kinds of products exist meeting all kinds of needs, creating an exclusive commodity that could stand out needs observation, in-depth market analysis, and hefty brainstorming. Our Product Designing course is just the right package of all the skill sets that are needed for this complicated process. We train the students to have a thinking pattern enabling them to envision things in a particular way. We encourage them to keep ethics as their priority while meeting the business goals, where the products they create are not just aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, and cost-efficient but also environmentally friendly, energy-saving, recyclable, reusable, and ethically produced. We train them to use the apt technology and utilize the best quality materials to give the best. Hence, they make no compromise with the technology and quality of materials used making the end product a competitive advantage.

We believe that Product Design has a major role to play in the technological revolution. We’re developing students who can make a difference. Even our current students create products that get taken forward into manufacturing process. Beyond design and construction, you will also learn how to present your ideas to clients and pitch design concepts to a wider audience. If you find yourself admiring the small details of a product, wondering how it was made, and thinking how you could make it more efficient, then this course may be perfect for you. The course collaborates and engages with industry at all levels, from live industry briefs to masterclasses and talks by industry professionals.

The course develops specialist skills and abilities in the design and communication of ideas, interactions, and user experiences. It focuses on three-dimensional design, product styling and form, user research, manufacturing processes and the production of prototypes and finished artifacts.



  • Ergonomics
  • Material Exploration & Application
  • History of Art & Craft
  • Sustainable Design
  • Digital Representation Technique
  • Product Photography
  • Manufacturing Process
  • Packaging Design
  • Fundamental of Product Design
  • Product Innovation and IPR
  • Industry Internship
  • Graduation Project

Course Structure



Admission Enquiry Form
