
About SOID

In today’s time when society is changing very fast and designing happens to be the most important profession in the whole world to meet the ever-changing demands of human minds and societal developments, Silver Oak Institute of Design pedagogy and curriculum will focus more towards the challenges the designers will face in future and will thus make them market ready so that they can sustain easily in the industries after completion of the designing programs.

At SOID, maximum emphasis is given on proper handholding of a designer so that they learn the overall perspectives of designing and the entire process. The design curriculums at Silver Oak Institute of Design fully calls for the value of designers in 21st century. The experienced and adequately qualified design intellectual resource base at SOID will take the students through a journey of acquiring skills for developing creative solutions to complex problems and impactful challenges. The rigorous workshops and meticulous jury sessions at SOID will make all young designers understand the complete design philosophy which will curve a path for the young talents in future towards success.

The entire world is going through new challenges every now and then and the holistic approach in design education introduced by Silver oak Institute of design will help every new aspirants to go through critical design thinking, introducing problem solving approaches and organizational goal driven design techniques so that the path towards establishment as a successful designer becomes easy. With the help of the existing center of excellence and advance technical tools and workshop facilities, a student can make a wonderful journey through the technology aided design techniques and step into the creative world with a much stronger foundation and knowledge as a designer.

We heartily welcome you at Silver Oak Institute of Design and wishing you a prosperous career ahead.


Mr. Shital O. Agrawal, President

Message from President, Silver Oak University

In an era when the design industry is continuously expanding all over the world with the evolution of new ideas to meet the ever-changing needs and demands of the consumers and societies, it’s time for the design institutes to introduce and focus on holistic approach towards imparting technology aided design education.

In a scenario where development of start-ups and companies, trying to maximize their design in order to stand in competition, the technology aided design process will make all the differences for sure. Silver Oak Institute of Design provides a platform for the budding designers to weave their innovative ideas into problem solving design approach, with the use of advanced technology workshops and tools, centres of excellence and research centres which are by default the integral part of education at Silver Oak University.

On behalf of Silver Oak family, I hereby extend a hearty welcome to all of you at Silver Oak Institute of Design. Let’s fly together to a colourful world of creativity.


Mrs. Poonam Agrawal, Vice Chair Person

Message from Vice Chair Person, Silver Oak University

As a part of the education fraternity, it was our long awaited dream to contribute towards the mission "Atma Nirbhar Bharat", which we did to a great extent with the help of the remarkable achievements of our well-established centres of excellence, advanced workshops and research centres with progressive research facilities.

Conceivement of Silver Oak Institute of Design is our major and important step towards meeting the ever-changing needs and demands of consumers and societal developments, resulting through the changing socio-economic environment. The addition of designers to our club of technologies makes the design process functional and accessible with greater creativity, resulting to development of new concepts and problem-solving ideas.

On behalf of the Silver Oak family, I heartily welcome all young design aspirants to be a part of our dream and walk those extra miles with us to establish themselves as successful future professional designers.


Dr. Saurin R. Shah, Provost

Message from Provost, Silver Oak University

"Good design has the power to transform & provide lasting solutions that improve our life." Having inspired by this thought.....

Silver Oak University, a trusted name for imparting quality education, has initiated Silver Oak Institute of Design (SOID), along with existing various academic verticals.

Silver Oak Institute of Design is all set, to mentor and guide the students to become competent professionals in the field of Design. Equipped with state of the art infrastructure, presence of most intellectual and experienced mentors as well as faculty members, to impart quality of design thinking, creativity and innovation in future designers, equipping them with continuously upgrading industrial standards.

A good design has an impact on every facet of the life, which includes the creation as well as upgradation of existing designs. Good designers are the ones who are real innovators and play an important role in improving the way we live and interact with the world around us.

I heartily welcome you to Silver Oak Institute of Design!


Mr. Ritesh Singh, Associate Dean

Message from Associate Dean, Silver Oak Institute of Design

At Silver Oak Institute of Design, we don’t just prepare students for jobs, but also teach them to cultivate their innovation and ambition as a designer. We ensure to build a foundation for innovation, impact and ambition in every designer as we the proud Silver Oakians always believe that education’s role is planting the seeds for greater perspectives. The regular interfaces with the experienced design experts visiting regularly at Silver Oak Institute of Design would ensure a great collaborative learning experience within a real physical space for the students and this will inculcate the most necessary designing attributes among the young designers. As design educators, we provide a space for the eager minds to grow and help the students to cultivate their innovative and exploration skills to the best possible extent with the support of advanced facilities and updated course structures. From the very first year of design module i.e. foundation, we provide a pedagogy which is actually a frame work consisting soft skills, design critical thinking, student presentations, team projects, meticulous jury sessions and organizational goal driven design skills which later strengthens the mindsets of young designers and adds sustainability factors to every young designer.

Now a days, a designer no longer just plays a supporting role, rather a designer is someone who leads the show. At Silver Oak Institute of Design, we have introduced a more interdisciplinary approach in design curriculum so that in future the designers can adjust themselves in their roles in unexpected industries with a problem-solving approach which can make them most coveted in the industry. In a nutshell, we provide a place where every budding designer will be able to grasp the observation skills, inject critical thinking ability and solve problems using their creativity.

We promise to set an universal standard for every designer so that they can sustain under any platform and become successful as a designer.

With best wishes, we welcome all of you at the creative sky of Silver Oak Institute of Design.


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